12:45 – Beinn an Dothaidh (M129), 3294ft, 1004m
Month: December 2017
Het einde van het verleden
Zo. Daar zit je te zonnen, in de sneeuw, lekker warm onder je dons, fleece en windstopper, boven op de 135ste berg die je beklommen heb, vijf jaren nadat je verteld werd dat je zou maar drie jaren nog te leven hebben, ook al je de medicatie nam, en slechts maar één zonder. Wat een wonder is dit!
Munro since diagnosis #135 – a minor compleation
13:00 – An Socach (M227), 3097ft, 944m
I have now climbed both Carn Liaths, both Beinn a Chaorainns, both Meall Garbhs, two of the three Ben Mores, two of the three Carn Deargs, three of the four Geal Charns, all three Carn nan Gabhar/Gobhars and from today all three three An Socachs.
Continue reading “Munro since diagnosis #135 – a minor compleation”
A RAB down jacket for Maggie’s Centre
I am often asked which cancer charity I prefer to see supported. My answer is always: Maggie’s Centres.
Munro since diagnosis #134 – a change of tone and style
13:30 – Mount Keen (M235), 3081ft, 939m
Regular readers will notice a change in tone and style.
Increasingly I am coming simply not to believe I have cancer.
Continue reading “Munro since diagnosis #134 – a change of tone and style”