Munros since diagnosis #143 to #147
11:15 – Beinn a’ Chleibh (M279), 3005ft, 916m
12:30 – Ben Lui (M028), 3707ft, 1130m
14:45 – Ben Oss (M101), 3376ft, 1029m
16:30 – Beinn Dubhcraig (M175), 3209ft, 978m
Munros since diagnosis #143 to #147
11:15 – Beinn a’ Chleibh (M279), 3005ft, 916m
12:30 – Ben Lui (M028), 3707ft, 1130m
14:45 – Ben Oss (M101), 3376ft, 1029m
16:30 – Beinn Dubhcraig (M175), 3209ft, 978m
Munros since diagnosis #142 and #143
13:15 – Beinn Eunaich (M156), 3245ft, 989m
14:30 – Beinn a’ Chochuill (M172), 3215ft, 980m
Munros since diagnosis #139 and #140
12:00 – Stob Coire Raineach (M263), 3035ft, 925m
13:15 – Stob Dubh (M201), 3153ft, 958m
13:00 – Carn a Chlamain (M192), 3159ft, 963m
There is no better way of preparing for an oncology appointment than climbing a mountain. (more…)
13:15 – Carn Bhac (M221), 3104ft, 946m
The first summit of the year has been eluding me – this time last year I had already bagged five. (more…)
13:30 – Mount Keen (M235), 3081ft, 939m
Regular readers will notice a change in tone and style.
Increasingly I am coming simply not to believe I have cancer.
11:45 – Ben Challum (M106), 3363ft, 1025m
New snow and morning frost mean otherwise boggy approaches become frozen over and less challenging while the views from the summits more spectacular. What better conditions than these to climb Ben Challum with its reputation for very boggy approaches and spectacular views. (more…)