Author: duncanspence

  • Living with cancer #3

    Living with cancer #3

    It is a little more than three years since I started writing this blog.


  • Scholia


    Regular readers tell me they have difficulty sometimes with my philosophical jargon and all these isms. Some have suggested I provide notes, a glossary or some other explanatory device.

    Since my retirement and with the complex incapacitations of chemotherapy, I have had time on my hands, so I have been writing this story about my journey, which I thought might help readers understand a little better where I am coming from.

    It is a little longer than I anticipated and a wee bit more detailed, but if you are sitting comfortably, I shall begin. (more…)

  • Dangerously Naïve

    Dangerously Naïve

    Adding a bit of hard reality to the politics of our times.

    I have never been in any doubt that the British State is capable of any act that will ensure its preservation. Now is the time to hold this in mind, to remember that the road to independence is not about asking permission to hold another referendum, that democracy is a complex game we play to pretend power is benevolent.

  • The time to decide is coming

    The time to decide is coming

    On the button again:

    “Brexit has taught us that the precious union is a lie, that there is no partnership, no family of nations, within the UK. The failure of the Brexit process has taught us that the UK that Scotland was told it could be a part of in 2014 was a fiction.”

  • The first cycle

    The first cycle

    Munro with cancer #175

    14:30 – Meall Chuaich (M214), 3120ft, 951m

    Chemotherapy is a bit of a rollercoaster. (more…)

  • An open letter to Brexiteers from Scotland

    An open letter to Brexiteers from Scotland

    Some information for readers in England and elsewhere who believe we are better off outside the European Union.

  • Time to act

    Time to act

    On the wireless this morning, Jacob Rees-Mogg referred to the DUP as the guardians of all things British and said he would not abandon them during the coming parliamentary shenanigans.  (more…)

  • Chemotherapy, messenger awesomeness and the night

    Chemotherapy, messenger awesomeness and the night

    As I described in a previous post, the regular pain killing and cancer suppressing medication turns the night into a serious challenge. Nobody will be terribly surprised to learn that with the addition of chemotherapy medication, nighttimes have become extraordinarily difficult. (more…)

  • Perfidious Albion #2

    Perfidious Albion #2

    Article 50 of the treaty holding together the European Union was created by British exceptionalism.


  • It’s (still) shite being Scottish

    It’s (still) shite being Scottish

    I am not the only one evidently getting into trouble from idiots who believe that bits of the full content of the rant from which the name of this blog is taken is somehow offensive.
