Munro with cancer #175
14:30 – Meall Chuaich (M214), 3120ft, 951m
Chemotherapy is a bit of a rollercoaster. Continue reading “The first cycle”
Mindfulness, Munro bagging and cancer
what does not kill me makes me stronger
Munro with cancer #175
14:30 – Meall Chuaich (M214), 3120ft, 951m
Chemotherapy is a bit of a rollercoaster. Continue reading “The first cycle”
Some information for readers in England and elsewhere who believe we are better off outside the European Union.
The lines of engagement are clear; this is a fight against fascism, not in another country on the other side of a border, but at home, within the borders of this benighted kingdom.
On the wireless this morning, Jacob Rees-Mogg referred to the DUP as the guardians of all things British and said he would not abandon them during the coming parliamentary shenanigans. Continue reading “Time to act”
As I described in a previous post, the regular pain killing and cancer suppressing medication turns the night into a serious challenge. Nobody will be terribly surprised to learn that with the addition of chemotherapy medication, nighttimes have become extraordinarily difficult. Continue reading “Chemotherapy, messenger awesomeness and the night”
Article 50 of the treaty holding together the European Union was created by British exceptionalism.
I am not the only one evidently getting into trouble from idiots who believe that bits of the full content of the rant from which the name of this blog is taken is somehow offensive.
British empiricism functions to allow whatever is happening now to remain unscrutinised, with the effect that Scottish affairs are marginalised, while allegedly unscrupulous practices of so called custodians of the rural economy never appear in the press.
At the time of writing, Wikipedia introduces its article thus:
Perfidious Albion is a pejorative phrase used within the context of international relations and diplomacy to refer to alleged acts of diplomatic sleights, duplicity, treachery and hence infidelity (with respect to perceived promises made to or alliances formed with other nation states) by monarchs or governments of the UK (or England prior to 1707) in their pursuit of self-interest.
I have had enough now. The Wee Ginger Dug on the button as usual.
Inexorably, history moves on. The trick is to find a way of joining in, of being the change, participating rather than being swept along.
Chemotherapy begins today.
More of that as this post proceeds.
Continue reading “Snake oil, medicine and the exclusion of nature”
…. an addendum to mountains, messfam and mindfulness
Nighttime is the worst.
Continue reading “Medication, collateral damage and the night”