Munro since diagnosis #181
14:00 Beinn Narnain (M259), 3038ft, 926m
Munro since diagnosis #180
14:00 – Ben Lomond (M184), 3196ft, 974m
What greater logistical challenge can there be than gathering together a group of people at the base of a mountain at a specific date and time? And what is the chance, having chosen a particular mountain, a specific date and a time, that the weather will be clement and that all in the party will experience views from the summit? (more…)
Munros since diagnosis #178 and #179
12:30 – Beinn Udlamain (M119), 3314ft, 1010m
14:30 – Sgearnaich Mhor (155), 3251ft, 991m
Munros since diagnosis #176 and #177
12:00 – Geal-charn (M278), 3009ft, 917m
14:15 – A’ Mharconaich (M179), 3199ft, 975m (more…)
Munro with cancer #175
14:30 – Meall Chuaich (M214), 3120ft, 951m
Chemotherapy is a bit of a rollercoaster. (more…)
Some information for readers in England and elsewhere who believe we are better off outside the European Union.
After a few days of living in a hospital bed it becomes a bit like a tent.
Munros since diagnosis #173 and #174
11:00 – A’ Bhuidheanach Bheag (M240), 3071ft, 936m
13:00 – Carn a Caim (M233), 3087ft, 941m (more…)