Category: Cancer

  • Finding stillness

    Finding stillness

    Drifting in and out of sleep and denial, I imagine bringing a body into conditions of complete quietude, its only movements the autonomic responses sustaining its being alive.

  • The last Munro

    The last Munro

    I have been dreading the writing of this post, putting it off and vacillating, finding other things to do, or nothing, in order not to engage with what must be written, lest my story be left hanging in the air. I suspect too it will the post my readers will have been fearing for a while and might find difficult to read.

  • Doing very well

    Doing very well

    People often tell me I am doing very well.

  • January silence

    Regular readers might be interested to know what is happening in my life. (more…)

  • Cycle six and the rest of my life

    Cycle six and the rest of my life

    At what precise moment the last cycle of chemotherapy ends and the rest of my life begins is still not clear. (more…)

  • Cycle five and the light at the end of the tunnel

    Cycle five and the light at the end of the tunnel

    Less than two weeks into the fifth cycle I felt healthy again, prepared to be infused for the last time with poison, in fact I wanted to get it over with, to bring forward my appointment a week.


  • Cycle four and some politics

    Cycle four and some politics

    At bottom, the problem of political decision-making only redoubles and displaces to a collective scale what is already an illusion in the individual: the belief that our actions, our thoughts, our gestures, our words, and our behaviours result from decisions emanating from a central, conscious, and sovereign entity – the Self.

    Being on the left or on the right is to choose among one of the countless ways afforded to humans to be imbeciles.

    This is the big lie, and the great disaster of politics: to place politics on one side and life on the other, on one side what is said but isn’t real and on the other what is lived but can no longer be said. […] Hell is really the place where all speech is rendered meaningless.

    What is revealed in every political eruption is the irreducible human plurality, the unsinkable heterogeneity of ways of being and doing – the impossibility of the slightest totalization.

    The Invisible Committee, Now, Semiotext(e), 2017


  • Cycle four, week one

    Cycle four, week one

    Day One – Tuesday May 14th


  • Living with cancer #3

    Living with cancer #3

    It is a little more than three years since I started writing this blog.
