12:00 – Ciste Dhubh (M173), 3212ft, 979m
15:00 – Aonach Meadhoin (M135), 3284ft, 1001m
12:00 – Ciste Dhubh (M173), 3212ft, 979m
15:00 – Aonach Meadhoin (M135), 3284ft, 1001m
11:15 – Creag a’ Mhaim (M218), 3107ft, 947m
12:00 – Druim Shionnach (M160), 3238ft, 987m
13:15 – Aonach air Chrith (M109), 3350ft, 1021m
14:30 – Maol Chinn-dearg (M168), 3219ft, 981m
16:00 – Sgurr an Doire Lochan (M122), 3341ft, 1010m
Since the start of 2017 I have sought the advice of two Buddhist teachers about how to deal with my condition. As I have often said, the effort is almost entirely mental – although this is now changing somewhat as I feel the effects of the medication not working any more. (more…)
April 23rd 2017
12:00 – The Angel’s Peak (M005), 4127ft, 1258m
13:00 – Cairn Toul (M004), 4236ft, 1291m
April 22nd 2017
16:15 – Sgor Gaoith (M036), 3668 ft, 1118m
18:30 – Mullach Clach ‘a Bhlair (M114), 3343ft, 1019m
9th April 2017
13:00 – Stucdh an Lochain (M197), 3150ft, 960m
16:00 – Meall Buidhe (M248), 3058ft, 932m
11th March, Stùc a’ Chroin (M182), 3199ft, 975m
Having failed twice by more conventional routes to reach the summit of this mountain I decided to try a different strategy. Firstly, come at it from behind via the ridge from Beinn Each. Secondly, take a compleatist with me. (more…)
12th February 2017, Ben Dorian (M064), 3530ft, 1076m
Wind is hard work. On the summit ridge it was so strong that walking turned into a kind of mindful leaning. And yet at both cairns, the air was strangely still. (more…)