Munros since diagnosis #176 and #177
12:00 – Geal-charn (M278), 3009ft, 917m
14:15 – A’ Mharconaich (M179), 3199ft, 975m Continue reading “The second cycle and the last Geal-charn”
Mindfulness, Munro bagging and cancer
Munros since diagnosis #176 and #177
12:00 – Geal-charn (M278), 3009ft, 917m
14:15 – A’ Mharconaich (M179), 3199ft, 975m Continue reading “The second cycle and the last Geal-charn”
It is a little more than three years since I started writing this blog.
avoiding becoming embittered by interminable debates going nowhere
Regular readers tell me they have difficulty sometimes with my philosophical jargon and all these isms. Some have suggested I provide notes, a glossary or some other explanatory device.
Since my retirement and with the complex incapacitations of chemotherapy, I have had time on my hands, so I have been writing this story about my journey, which I thought might help readers understand a little better where I am coming from.
It is a little longer than I anticipated and a wee bit more detailed, but if you are sitting comfortably, I shall begin. Continue reading “Scholia”
Adding a bit of hard reality to the politics of our times.
I have never been in any doubt that the British State is capable of any act that will ensure its preservation. Now is the time to hold this in mind, to remember that the road to independence is not about asking permission to hold another referendum, that democracy is a complex game we play to pretend power is benevolent.
On the button again:
“Brexit has taught us that the precious union is a lie, that there is no partnership, no family of nations, within the UK. The failure of the Brexit process has taught us that the UK that Scotland was told it could be a part of in 2014 was a fiction.”