15:00 – Stob Coire Sgreamhach (M065), 3517ft, 1072m
16:00 – Bidean nam Bian (M023), 3773ft, 1150m
17:00 – Stob Coire nan Lochan, 3658ft, 1115m
Stob Coire nan Lochan is not classified as a separate Munro summit. But it should be. (more…)
15:00 – Stob Coire Sgreamhach (M065), 3517ft, 1072m
16:00 – Bidean nam Bian (M023), 3773ft, 1150m
17:00 – Stob Coire nan Lochan, 3658ft, 1115m
Stob Coire nan Lochan is not classified as a separate Munro summit. But it should be. (more…)
I have been using this Trangia stove for about 35 years. The same stove! That fact alone is recommendation in itself.