Sadly but peacefully my husband Duncan Spence succumbed to his ten year life with cancer and died on Thursday 21st July 2022. His final days were spent surrounded by family and his friends were in touch. This has been a one hell of a journey for him and one which he readily shared as only he could. His words were his passion, how to express using language to engage in friendly discourse to reach as many people as possible was always his aim. Fascinated by different view points, interested in everyone’s take on whatever subject came up, not afraid to seek a truth and find a common ground. Before he died he held his book. The biggest achievement yet and oh how happy he was.! It is available on kindle and will shortly be in paperback and hard back too. His funeral will be held in Cupar at 1.30pm New Cemetery there is also a live stream for those who would like to attend but can’t. I will try and link the funeral details and live stream in another post. My husband loved to write and his only wish was to engage with the world, equally interested in others words too.. Thank you for reading. Shona