The last Munro

If the past is memory and the future fantasy then the fleeting nothing of the present is all there is

I have been dreading the writing of this post, putting it off and vacillating, finding other things to do, or nothing, in order not to engage with what must be written, lest my story be left hanging in the air. I suspect too it will the post my readers will have been fearing for a while and might find difficult to read.

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Our Police State — Grouse Beater

Former ambassador and human rights activist, Craig Murray, released from Saughton Prison The ludicrously over-the-top jail sentence handed down to human rights activist Craig Murray, for a minor infringement of a presposterous court rule called ‘jigsaw indentification’, together with the hurried embracing of a ban on assembly around our Parliament building, is yet more warning […]

Our Police State — Grouse Beater