April 23rd 2017
12:00 – The Angel’s Peak (M005), 4127ft, 1258m
13:00 – Cairn Toul (M004), 4236ft, 1291m
April 23rd 2017
12:00 – The Angel’s Peak (M005), 4127ft, 1258m
13:00 – Cairn Toul (M004), 4236ft, 1291m
April 22nd 2017
16:15 – Sgor Gaoith (M036), 3668 ft, 1118m
18:30 – Mullach Clach ‘a Bhlair (M114), 3343ft, 1019m
9th April 2017
13:00 – Stucdh an Lochain (M197), 3150ft, 960m
16:00 – Meall Buidhe (M248), 3058ft, 932m
11th March, Stùc a’ Chroin (M182), 3199ft, 975m
Having failed twice by more conventional routes to reach the summit of this mountain I decided to try a different strategy. Firstly, come at it from behind via the ridge from Beinn Each. Secondly, take a compleatist with me. (more…)
12th February 2017, Ben Dorian (M064), 3530ft, 1076m
Wind is hard work. On the summit ridge it was so strong that walking turned into a kind of mindful leaning. And yet at both cairns, the air was strangely still. (more…)
29th January 2017
11:20 – The Cairnwell (M224), 3061ft, 933m
12:45 – Carn a’ Gheoidh (M180), 3199ft, 975m
14:30 – Carn Aosda (M281), 3002ft, 915m (more…)
22nd January 2017, Meall Ghaordaidh (M093), 3409ft, 1039m
It was cold and still. Layers of cloud hanging in the glens and clinging to the summits. The ground was stiff and frozen, lightly dusted with snow. Slumbering winter grasses, dead bracken and leafless trees hung heavy with frost. (more…)