Writing is the art of not saying everything all at once, of gathering together at the right place and in the right time, the right words, and to set them down in the correct order, with a tone and flow appropriate to their immediate function.
I offer professional help to anybody with any aspect of writing.
Specifically, I can:
- proofread and copyedit academic papers, dissertations and theses in the Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities;
- proofread, edit and write letters, leaflets and brochures;
- communicate an essential message in clear ordinary language;
- analyse technical and formal discourse;
- condense large amounts of information;
- tutor basic writing skills;
- offer general communication advice;
- help non-native English speakers to make themselves understood;
- design simple DTP layouts with standard templates.
I charge professional hourly rates for academic and corporate work and concessionary rates for private work. I give my labour free to good causes. If you think you are a good cause, convince me.
For further information, quotes and questions please use dncnspnc at gmail dot com
I am now working on a book version of this blog, taking my story to the compleation of the first two hundred.
If you feel able to contribute in any way to the cost of this site’s upkeep, please get in touch at dncnspnc at gmail dot com, or use the same address at PayPal with the reference I S B S – It’s shite being Scottish.
If you feel able to contribute to my fuel fund (the petrol for a return trip to the mountains in the campervan costs up to sixty quid) then please use the same address at PayPal with the reference I S B S, or get in touch in another way.
If you feel able to support the publication of my book or would like to fund me while I am writing it, please use the same email address, either to get in touch or with reference B O O K at PayPal.
If you would like me to sponsor, endorse or review technical clothing or equipment, please use the above email address to get in touch with a proposal.
If you would like to place an advert anywhere at the site, please get in touch to discuss what is possible.